
Making Better Days a Reality for Everyone

Better Days Group exists to help individuals and organizations maximize potential and experience life rooted in purpose and meaning. It is our belief that every human was born with a purpose and destiny to fulfill and our goal is to first help them to identify their design and then develop strategies and systems for making it a reality.



During our early years of life we all have coaches and mentors that help to guide and shape our futures. Along the way we decide we can “take it from here” and stop embracing and engaging such. 

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Leadership Development

John Maxwell, of the Maxwell Group says, “everything rises and falls on leadership”. We believe that is true and as a result have designed and use many different resources that can help individuals and or teams hone their leadership skills.

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Team Building

Anything of greatness that is ever accomplished will always happen as the result of a team effort. Even in those times where an individual award or recognition is received there are those working “behind the scenes” to make it a reality. 

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Personal Life Skills

Sometimes the only thing standing between where we are and where we need or want to be is a few simple life skills that we need to learn and apply.  

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“Do something every day that you don't want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.”

— Mark Twain (From the BLOG: The Power of Habit