Pay Attention to the Signs

Pay Attention to the Signs

On the road of life there are signs everywhere. How well do you pay attention to them? How well do you follow their advice?

Recently I was thinking about how similar life is to many of the things we face while just driving down the road. Think about it…

Crossroads...... Stop, look, and listen! This is all about learning to pay attention to what is going on around us. Don’t be in such a hurry that you fail to slow down. You might just miss something important that is coming.

Hazardous conditions..... Sometimes it is circumstances totally beyond your control, but don't try to prove yourself in these times. Take notice of the conditions around you and proceed with caution..... Don’t get caught “Driving too fast for conditions”

Dead End… Be willing to admit when the road you are on is coming to an end. Be willing to take risks and travel a new course. It is essential to growth and advancement.

Detour… Someone once told me “The vision never changes, but the plans rarely stay the same.” As you journey toward the life you have been designed and destined to experience there will be times when you simply need to alter the route. No worries, though….You can still expect to arrive at your destination.

Slow. Children at play..... Maybe we should be more like that at times! Just slow down and play. You can get back on the road soon enough!

These are just a few of the signs we will see during our journey called LIFE! How are you doing at reading the signs?

In our next post we will discuss the challenge we face when we come to “the Fork in the Road”!

The Fork in the Road

The Fork in the Road

Go The Distance

Go The Distance