The Fork in the Road

The Fork in the Road

Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to the fork in the road… Take it!” Now that is some good advice.

I used to have a favorite saying, “Do something even if it’s wrong!” However, that is probably not very good advice. I do think, though, that the key to success in life is to keep moving. Don’t stay still very long! Maybe there will be a need for brief pauses along the way, but for the most part, keep moving forward.

If we are not careful we will find ourselves falling victim to what has been called “paralysis by analysis”. I am not for one minute saying that you should not analyze options and details in hopes of making good decisions, but I am suggesting that you can use analysis as an excuse for limited or no growth.

What forks are in your road right now?

What information do you need to make the necessary decisions to keep moving forward?

I challenge you today to take the next step. Keep growing and improving so that you move closer to being the person you were designed and destined to become!

Pay Attention to the Signs

Pay Attention to the Signs