Brain Food

Brain Food

Every day of my life I eat a banana. I love the way they taste and my personal nutritionist says it’s one of the healthiest habits I could have. He also has me eat an apple a day. He says the old phrase really is true.

So a few days ago I got ready to peel my yellow treat and I noticed this sticker on the outside. It read, “Brain Fuel”. That got me thinking. While a banana is literally a brain food, there are a lot of things I do on a regular basis hoping to fuel my brain and thinking”

In our last post we talked about clearing up space in our minds, but today I want to focus on the importance of daily fueling our minds with things that can help us grow and improve. I am constantly looking for tools that promote personal growth and development for myself as well as those I coach through Better Days Group. Here are a few suggestions you may want to apply if you are not already:

1) Take time to read… The legendary John Wooden said, “Five years from now, you’re the same person except for the people you’ve met and the books you’ve read.” Spend at least 30 minutes each day reading!

2) Take time to listen…. In our world of technology there are so many opportunities to plug into things that help us grow. Subscribe to podcasts so you can listen as you walk or work. Each month I get a CD from “The Maxwell Group” that fuels my thinking. I purchase Success Magazine, not only to read, but also because each issue comes with a Success CD, which is great drive time learning.

3) Take time to relate… One of our biggest opportunities for growth comes when we fuel our minds by engaging in life-giving conversations with people who have a passion to see us grow. What relationships can you embrace or increase today that will promote growth? Who do you need to get to know or spend more time with in an effort to increase your brain capacity?  

If our bodies become the products, in part, of the foods we eat, then we must agree that our minds become the products of what we feed them. Eat well today and feed that brain!

Questions YOU Must Ask

Questions YOU Must Ask

Brain Dump

Brain Dump