Questions YOU Must Ask

Questions YOU Must Ask

It is astonishing to me, and sad on many levels, how much of the world lives life with no sense of meaning or purpose. I have repeated a saying for years: “Everyone ends up somewhere in life, so you may as well end up somewhere on purpose!” Don’t you agree with that?

The question then becomes: How do we do that? How do we move closer to living life with intention and on purpose? Questions are the key! By asking the right questions and doing the hard work of wrestling through the answers, we come face to face with the areas needing our focused attention. Then we are able to begin developing our own personal strategies.

So in this simple post let me challenge you to find a quiet place and spend some time answering a series of questions: (Before you start, I am issuing a disclaimer and warning: This exercise will not necessarily come easily, but do it anyway!) Some of the answers will be obvious; which will tempt you to not answer honestly, or even at all, because you will start thinking ahead to the consequences of your answers. DO NOT talk yourself out of being real!

We will have time later to come back and develop plans and strategies for using our answers to build our ideal life, but for right now let’s just get a list of answers. This will become our starting point as we move forward. 

So again, find a quiet place….Get out a pen and blank piece of paper (or create a new note in your favorite app) and start working through this list:

  • What are your gifts?
  • What are you good at? (Write down 3-5 things that you excel in whether or not they are currently a part of your life)
  • If you could do anything in the world, what would you do?
  • What is something that you have felt drawn to but have always resisted for some reason?
  • What changes would you like to see take place in your life?

OK, read back over the disclaimer and warning and then get started! In our next few posts we will begin looking at what do to with your answers, but don’t worry about that just yet. Resist all of the voices that will tell you this is a worthless exercise AND DO IT TODAY!

Welcome to the journey of creating a Life by Design!

If You Build it They Will Come

If You Build it They Will Come

Brain Food

Brain Food