If You Build it They Will Come

If You Build it They Will Come

The 1989 film “Field of Dreams”, starring Kevin Costner, is one of my all-time favorite movies! It has so many great life lessons we can all apply. The story line is simply that if Costner would build a baseball diamond in the middle of his corn field, the players and fans would appear. Since he was days away from losing his farm, the thought of corrupting his precious farm land didn’t sit well with him, his wife, or his banker. What a risk! We have all faced - or will face -similar risks in life. Every now and then, like Costner’s corn field turned baseball diamond, taking that leap of faith may just be the key to finding the life we have been designed and destined to experience.

For the purpose of this as well as the next few posts, I want you to focus on two key words found in the title of this blog: YOU and THEY. 

YOU (Who are you? What are your gifts? What are you good at? What are you passionate about? What do you love to do?) By answering these questions, and coming to terms with your answers, you position yourself to begin creating your ultimate personal design.

At Better Days Group we are in the process of putting the finishing touches on our first ever workshop, Life By Design, which we will be launching in several cities this spring. This workshop will focus on the questions above as we help individuals come to terms with who they really are and what they were created to do. Our culture is one that is increasingly filled with people living life with no sense of meaning, purpose or direction. We put on our running shoes for the rat race of life without really knowing why we even bought the shoes in the first place! At BDG we intend to do our part to help you live your Life By Design. 

So what is THEY? There is a world full of opportunities awaiting each of us which often stay hidden due to our lack of focus, or simply because we are living life at random. As each one of us focuses on becoming more fully aware of our unique gifts and designs, and as we set out to grow in specific areas, they will begin to open up to us.

I suppose there is a third word in the title that needs addressing:  it … but the  it  is YOU. Each of us must be willing to build ourselves! Becoming the person we were created to be certainly requires a lot more than attending a few workshops and reading a few good books. It is a lifelong process. So why not get started today?

It is true: “If you build it, they will come”. Your life may just be one good opportunity away from an enormous breakthrough, and that opportunity may just be waiting on YOU.
For our next several posts we will continue this topic. Today why don’t you spend some time considering this content and asking yourself some hard questions?

Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming Life by Design workshop. In the meantime you may want to grab a copy of our newest teaching series Power of a Dream.

Its OK to let go

Its OK to let go

Questions YOU Must Ask

Questions YOU Must Ask